The 10 Best Books For Writers

Well, life is a little overwhelming right now, isn't it? The current state of the world makes it easy to remain in constant freak-out mode. While it’s tempting to check the news obsessively, I hope you are finding occasional moments of peace and calm.

Many of us will be spending a lot more time at home over the next several weeks, if not months. The upside is that we’ll likely have more time for reading and writing! So, this month Alex and I decided to put together a list of our favorite books about writing and publishing. We encourage you to take advantage of this unprecedented season to enhance your knowledge of the craft of writing and learn more about the publishing process.

Without further ado, here are the best books for writers.

10. The Forest for the Trees: An Editor’s Advice for Writers by Betsy Lerner

Much more than a how-to manual, Betsy Lerner’s classic resource for writers will help you get out of your own way and enjoy a productive and fulfilling journey toward publication.

9. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

This is a truly inspiring book for anyone trying to bring new ideas or creative work into the world. It’s short, punchy, and especially helpful if you need a quick dose of inspiration. Pressfield writes a lot about how to overcome the resistance facing anyone trying to write and create.

8. The Business of Being a Writer by Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman, who we interviewed on Episode 2 of our podcast ON PUBLISHING, is a recognized expert on publishing and writing who addresses the reality that writers can’t just focus on the art and craft of writing. If you want to turn your writing into a profitable career, read this book.

7. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L’Engle

With her customary brilliance, Madeleine L’Engle shared insights into the spirituality and artistry of good writing. This book will inspire you to become more attuned to the sources of your creativity.

6. The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk Jr. & E. B. White

This witty pocket-sized guide to good punctuation and grammar is an essential resource for every writer.

5. Consider This: Moments in My Writing Life after Which Everything Was Different by Chuck Paluhniuk

Part memoir, part writer's guide, bestselling novelist Chuck Paluhniuk talks about the art of storytelling and the elements of powerful writing.

4. Before and After the Book Deal: A Writer’s Guide to Finishing, Publishing, Promoting, and Surviving Your First Book by Courtney Maum

We were fortunate enough to interview Courtney for Episode 8 of ON PUBLISHING. An author of three successful novels, Courtney shares her own experiences as well as input from a diverse list of authors and publishing industry insiders in this thorough guide to writing and publishing.

3. Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style by Benjamin Dreyer

Benjamin Dreyer is Random House’s copy chief and offers straightforward advice on grammar, punctuation, and the more subtle nuances of style. Full of fun anecdotes about his work with authors, this is a great read and an invaluable resource.

2. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

This bestselling memoir from one of the most successful writers of our time is a must-read. King reveals the tools every writer needs and shares insights from his own journey as a writer.

1. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions for Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

A modern classic containing helpful and often hilarious advice from one of the most beloved and prolific writers working today. And if you haven't read any of Anne’s other books, do yourself a favor and pick up one today.

Happy Reading!

I hope you’re staying safe and healthy wherever you are. As always, we are cheering you on in your writing endeavors! And if you’ve hit a brick wall or need advice about writing or publishing, check out our other articles and ebooks here on the website. I also encourage you to listen to our podcast ON PUBLISHING if you haven’t already. The first ten episodes are now live. You can listen here on the website or via your favorite podcast platform.

Remember, just keep writing!


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